Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Projects coming in...

These are some snapshots of a quilt I am working on for Homestead, a housewares division Of Li & Fung US. I often sew samples for them for their showroom. In this case I need to insert a Embossed Microfiber fabric to the outter border, and attach it to the center woven Ikat fabric. Its fun, relaxing and a break from computer work. 2010 is coming in with a bang! Lots of projects, lots of things to do. I have to create some new animal characters for a neww sleepwear company I just started freelancing for. Its kind of new thing for me, a slightly older demographic than what im used to but I welcome the challenge.There s lots of stuff to do and I'm really excited! Busy! Busy! Busy!

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