Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Color, Pattern & Texture

I have been collecting a lot of prints, colors, textures, in my travels,wether it be a book store, fabric shop, restaurant, its all a good source of inspiration.I click around town on my camera phone, I'm actually surprised at how good the resolution is on these. Its stuff like this that fuels a lot of my work and I can't explain why but I guess there are aspects to being an artist;what we do, how we feel, that can't always be explained. If we could, we may not feel the need to do them. I definately need to post more of these soon.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Monster a Day. . .

Here is a sketch from my ongoing "monster sketch journal" which is a journal of daily monsters that I create. At the moment, I am experimenting with different media, trying to combine cubeistic forms with texture and pattern. Some of my more successful pieces seems to have these qualities, so I am trying to see how far I can push their limits. I think the subject matter speaks for itself. I find that drawing monsters has almost no limits, so its something I can create day after day without tiring of it. I want there to be more unity between the foreground and the background and have some kind of fracturing of the two.There is definately more of these to come, this one is just my favorite in a while.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The End Of an Era. . . Old Devil Moon closes

This place, in the east village, I've been going to for almost ten years and now its gone-Thanks George W! hell of a job! This and what seems like every other store front has succumb to the strain of a crappy economy. This place was like no other.Their brunch was the best, you could have a hardy breakfast of eggs and sausauge or just something lite like there tofu scramble with a peach flavored mimosa. They had sticky buns, biscuits and gravy, vegan specialties, scrapple, you name it. I kinda of felt like I was on the west coast when I was there. I guess its a sign. . . to move west??? Help Obama, you're our only hope!